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Building {city} Blocks

I really love architecture! Whenever we travel I get excited to see new cities and buildings. Some of my favorite museum visits have been when I was just as excited to see the building as its contents. I appreciate unique shapes and forms--the way they stand out and are instantly recognizable. While wandering around NYC a few weekends ago, Norman Foster's Hearst Tower was our constant reference point against the skyline, clearly indicating what direction we should be walking. 

Even though he is only 8 months old, Grey and I already have so much fun playing with blocks together. I build towers, he knocks them down--the game never seems to lose its appeal. Like many parents, I hope that, as he grows, he develops a fondness for some of the things I enjoy. For me, this includes great architecture! In an effort to plant the seeds of interest, (and let's be honest, I thought they were pretty cool too!) I decided to jazz up some of his plain wooden blocks with fun architectural elements.

The project was fairly easy and it I got it almost finished during nap time. I wiped down the blocks with a damp cloth and let them air dry while I pulled up some google images of buildings for inspiration. Then I used a good old sharpie marker along with some Micron archival ink pens in varying tip sizes to draw on the blocks. Lastly, I used Modge Podge to seal the blocks. I love how they turned out!

Another fun way to introduce Grey to the amazing world of design is through books. This is one of my new favorites! We originally saw it in a museum gift shop, but we ordered it from Ebay when we couldn't find it at traditional book retailers last Christmas. 

What It Feels Like To Be A Building, by Forrest Wilson, is a wonderful children's  book that explores basic architectural concepts and principles of design. The illustrations are humorous and the contents of each page are fun and informative. A must have for any little one's library! 

Who knows if Grey will grow up to love architecture as much as I do, but I am having so much fun sharing bits and pieces with him now!