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There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest."  - Elie Wiesel 

Last week, I was invited to join a circle of amazing women. These women gathered to share dessert, a glass of wine, and most importantly: their hearts. Their hearts that are broken for the injustice that is human trafficking, a global issue that exists in every city in the world. 

People are being sold for labor, sex, and other unfathomable ends. How is this still happening? Human beings are not currency or  commodities. This is not okay. We cannot (will not!)  sit on the sidelines while our mothers, daughters, children, and friends suffer such injustices. What can we do? I'm glad you asked!

The group of women I mentioned above, introduced me to an even larger circle of women (and men) who are making a difference by making a choice about how they dress for the month of December. By choosing to wear a dress (men are encouraged to wear bowties, but if you're a guy and you want to rock the dress, more power to you!) you are embracing a symbol of femininity and and declaring that you will stand up for the dignity of all women. 

I know, wearing a dress in and of itself isn't going to change a lot. BUT it's not just about a dress--it is about the conversations you have when someone comments on your dress. It is about acknowledging that everyday we have choices about what to wear, where to go, and how we present ourselves to the world and that not all women have these choices. It is about standing in solidarity for the inherent dignity of all women. It is about being part of a community that is committing to raise awareness about this issue, raise money to fund rescues, and raise our voices in a call to end this tragedy. 

I have decided to participate in Dressember by committing to wear a dress every weekend, all weekend, for the month of December. I already own two or three dresses and couldn't see purchasing more when that money could go instead toward my fundraising goal. (I am also raising money for a local team participating in the Dressember challenge.) How will you participate in Dressember?

Wear a dress. 
Have a conversation.
Make a donation. (You can donate to my team here or start one of your own!)

Together, we can make a difference!

Want to know more? Check out the Dressember Foundation and International Justice Mission