Be The Change

Have you checked out our Community page? If not, that's okay, we'll fill you in here! We 100% believe in community--that we're all in this together. We believe in the circle of giving back and paying it forward. We believe that if we all do our part, we can make the world a better place.

Because we believe these things, 5 O'Clock Design Co. always donates 10% of our profits to charity, but given the social and political climate today, we feel compelled to do more.

The next three people to book any project (big or small!) will receive 20% off the design fee and then we will donate the entire amount billed to the following organizations that aid in refugee care and resettlement.

Hopeprint and Preemptive Love Coalition

*Even after these first three spots are filled, you can still make a difference!! We will be increasing the amount donated from 10% to 50% for all projects booked in the month of February. (Regardless of when the project is completed!)

And lastly, if you don't require design services right now, that's okay too--please consider donating directly to these wonderful organizations!

Thanks, friends! 

Check out our Design Services or Contact Us to schedule your project!